When an angry part is triggered, it can be an amazing resource within us. This may sound counterintuitive. But an angry part is actually a part of you that knows when the line has been crossed. This part knows the truth about good and decent human interaction as well as dignity and respect, and how we can best treat each other,. This part knows when that didn't happen. An angry part is basically an important part of your system of boundary keeping.
When an angry part is triggered, you could work to find yourself in your center, which is known as self energy in IFS Therapy. From that place let your angry part know that you are honoring their fine skills of understanding when the boundary has been crossed. See what happens when you acknowledge this part's abilities and skills. Many times this has the part feeling like you see them and have heard them. And many times those are needs that the part had long ago time ago, that never got met. The part may even soften just from that type of an acknowledgement.
Reassure this part, that you, the adult, has the skills to interact with anyone that has caused this part to be triggered into anger. Let the part know that you (as the adult Self), will communicate the important things the angry part wants you to understand about whatever the violation was. In other words, the angry part doesn't have to be the one talking to the other person about what made them angry. It's a way for you to un-blend from the angry part by acknowledging it, and then you, the adult are able to have a much more neutral conversation with the person that crossed some boundary, or upset you.
If you want to learn more about having IFS Theapy sessions, to repair your inner parts ..., Contact, Patti Bee, LPC, LMHC, IFS, Therapist.