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Internal Family Systems Therapist Accepting Clients

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions  

1. How long will therapy take?  Sounds like IFS is so effective. Does that mean I can just come for a few months?


       Psychotherapy is not a fast process. In our fast-paced culture we all have heard for years ideas like "lose 30 lbs. in 30 days."  With the psyche and your psychological process, it took quite a few of your formative years to get something stuck in your subconscious mind, or in you nervous system; which means the mind, and real tangible growth and resolution, is a little bit more of complex inner system. Very fortunate for you, you are reading about IFS Therapy on my website here, and this is very effective at resolving those issue stuck in those seemingly hard to access places in the mind; the nervous system and the subconscious. 


       IFS is very effective therapy, and will rebuild and update the inner parts from the inside out. It can be seen as a quick process, but only in relative terms. A good 2 to 3 years of IFS Therapy can make can garner real results in your life, that you have not experienced in other therapies you have tried.  But it does all depends where you are starting.  


       Patti Bee, LPC, IFS Therapist; will assess your mental health and the full assessment can not be done immediately.  Some things will lay hidden until we get into the therapy process. But that is not said to just sound like a disclaimer. Those things that have stayed hidden in the subconscious literally will be accessible with the IFS Processs. That is one of the primary distinctions of the IFS Therapy process that makes it unique; the ability to get to deeper material that other therapy has not been able to reach, or to shift. 


       Patti's general rule is to expect two years of therapy, and more, the more complex the issues are. Occasionally, Patti has had clients that come to therapy for 12 to 18 months, and get what they need and are ready to move on.  



2.  I noticed you don't have testimonials, like other types of professionals do; why? 


When a person is a Licensed Professional that is regulated by State and Federal Statutes that involve client confidentiality, it is considered unethical to ask you clients to expose their anonymity by asking for a testimonial. I have sworn an oath, as a medical provider, to protect the therapeutic relationship, and uphold very strict confidentiality. I am not allowed to share that a person is even my client, if asked.  Your confidentiality is a top of the list type of priority to me.


Additionally, the therapeutic relationship in psychotherapy is considered a very different type of professional relationship due to the highly sensitive nature of mental health work and exploration. And sometimes the therapist takes on a surrogate caregiver role. This creates an uneven power dynamic that is not to ever be taken advantage of. When clients develop trust with me, I am then not allowed to ask them for favors or to go outside the therapy relationship and make any requests in other arenas. To do so is considered unethical, and for therapist who have ventured there, many times their willingness to participate in a dual relationship (as it is known) has gotten them in legal trouble as well. 


To ask clients for a testimonial not only breaches their confidentiality, but it also is a misuse of that uneven power dynamic, due to the vulnerability that mental health services involve.  Even if a client wants to offer a testimonial, to accept this offer is to then participate in a dual relationship. The person is my client, in the sacred space of therapy (the first relationship) But then, once they write a testimonial, they are now a partner in the promotion of my business, and that can interfere with the therapeutic process. Especially, if the person has people pleasing issues or over-giving issues that get in the way of their life. 


The actuarial experts of the insurance companies that provide malpractice insurance to all sorts of medical providers, as well as mental health providers; have made the statistics clear. Those providers that get in to legal trouble, first participated in a dual relationship with their clients. And yes, sometimes, something as innocent as a testimonial. But none the less, the statistics show that dual relationships have a higher chance of leading to problems. And for any therapist to participate in a dual relationship with a client, they are then displaying behavior that shows that they are willing to endanger the therapeutic relationship with their client.  And the therapist's dedication to protect the therapeutic relationship, is of the utmost importance, if that therapist is to be considered an ethical mental health provider. Especially, given that most dual relationships can be avoided and did not have to be participated in, in the first place. 


There are some dual relationships that can not be avoided. Think of a small town in Alaska. If the town only has four-thousand residents, and only one psychotherapist, the person is most likely going to know their therapist from their church, or their child's school. The therapist does not have to give up having a life, and never go to community events. However, the therapist, in order to navigate this situation ethically, would seek regular professional consultation with professional peers and supervisors. This would be to ensure that any issue that arise have more than her own (possibly biased) views, and to assess any additional needs for the therapist and the community that she serves. And this is done, so that the therapist demonstrates behaviors that make it clear she is dedicated to protecting the therapeutic relationship in this way. 



3. What are your fees? This is all covered on this page.

4. What area do you serve?  Patti Bee serves the Madison Wisconsin area as well as all of Wisconsin, and Iowa. Patti may be able to work with you if you are in another area due to the upcoming Counseling Compact for license portability. You will need to contact Patti to set up a FREE 30--MINUTE CONSULT to discuss. 

Patti Bee, LPC, IFS Therapist, serves Wisconsin and the entire United States soon, due to the upcoming Counseling Compact for license portability.

Patti Bee, LPC, IFS Therapist, Mental Health Services, Anxiety help, fees, Psychotherapy that offers real results, Internal Family Systems, anxiety treatment, depression, PTSD, Trauma Therapy, inner parts work, Oconomowoc Lake WI, 53066, Waukesha County, Village of Chenequa WI, 53029, Lac La Belle WI, 53066, River Hills WI, 53217, Shorewood Hills WI, 53705, Maple Bluff WI, 53704, free 30-minute consult, frequently asked questions, FAQ, email Patti Bee. 

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